Liv to run

Lots of random ranting, whining, and attempts at being humourous as I run, run, run in pursuit of higher mileage and better races.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hitchhiking to 10k

Today was a momentous day: I finally ran 10k! It was slow (about 11:02 pace), but felt SO good. For this sense of euphoria, I am graciously indebted to Douglas Adams.

I was searching for some really motivational music to put on my mp3 player for what I knew was going to be a long run, when I remembered a Runner's World article about listening to books while running. A friend recently gave me a copy of the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" BBC radio series - it's about 12 hours long so I figured it would tide me through 10k - so I put that on the player instead and away I ran. It was amazing! Time just flies when you're concentrating on a story rather than on being tired and cranky. Plus, Hitchhiker's is HILARIOUS. I swear, the only "downside" was that everyone in the gym must have thought I was slightly nuts because I was randomly grinning and giggling as I looped around and around the track! But hey, I bet none of them were having as much fun as I was.


  • At 12:21 p.m., Blogger Joyce said…

    what a great idea! i might have to give that a try :)

    congrats on 10k!


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