Liv to run

Lots of random ranting, whining, and attempts at being humourous as I run, run, run in pursuit of higher mileage and better races.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Spawn of Satan

She is sleek, sexy, and all knowing.

She brings out the obsessiveness in me.

I know she's just the messenger... but really. What a bitch.


  • At 5:32 a.m., Blogger Jack said…

    Maybe I'm just easily amused, but your post today just tickles me to death.

  • At 9:47 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh man. you got one of THOSE?! i think if i got one i would do more harm than good.

  • At 9:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    She may be the spawn of Satan, but she is good-lookin'.

  • At 12:27 p.m., Blogger Jess said…

    That little puppy must be very accurate (personally, I like to keep an old, slightly crappy scale so I can always blame it for reporting the wrong weight), and it probably doesn't allow you to fiddle with it in order to manipulate the results either.

  • At 12:54 p.m., Blogger Jessica DeLine said…

    She is sleek and sexy. I wonder if she lies too like my sexy-know-it-all ( does?

  • At 2:45 p.m., Blogger tryathlete said…

    She is the spawn of Satan, but you are the bread of heaven. :)

  • At 5:57 p.m., Blogger Sonia said…

    hahaha I agree with that! lol

  • At 7:51 p.m., Blogger MNFirefly said…


  • At 9:20 p.m., Blogger Brooke said…

    I couldn't have said it better sista!!

  • At 1:25 a.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    But she says you weigh zero. How much lighter do you want to be?

  • At 10:47 a.m., Blogger Amanda said…

    Wow -- she is so much sexier than mine.

  • At 4:56 p.m., Blogger Olga said…

    It took me reading all the comments to figure out what it is:) I hid mine far away!

  • At 12:09 p.m., Blogger Lance Notstrong said…

    Does she measure body fat too? The truly evil ones measure body fat....


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