Liv to run

Lots of random ranting, whining, and attempts at being humourous as I run, run, run in pursuit of higher mileage and better races.

Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year's Resolution

I know New Year's resolutions are usually a bad idea, because they're mostly a setup for failure. We make them in good faith, and then don't fulfill them, and then feel bad and resolve to not make resolutions anymore. C'est la vie. But what the hell, 'tis the season, so I'm going to give it a shot anyway, and everyone who reads this will be a witness, which might just pressure me into achieving my goal.

So here it is: I'm not going to lose weight (depressing) or do better in school (unlikely) or be nicer to my little brother (he thrives on conflict. Really :)) But in the year 2006, I am going to run 1000 kilometers. (That's right, kilometers. I'm Canadian, I'm entitled to use such bizarre measurements ;))

Considering I've logged about 350km since I started counting this past May, it should prove a challenge. But as I'm steadily increasing my weekly *ahem* "mileage" (kilometerage? nah.), I think it's totally doable. And it's such a great big number, would be SO satisfying! So fingers crossed that this is one resolution I will pursue until the end.

Happy New Year to all, and cheers to crazy runners everywhere!


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